Sam Zucker’s 25 Best Barcelona Restaurants 2019


A PDF download of Zucker and Spice’s Top 25 Barcelona Restaurants, by Sam Zucker


Nothing is better than a list of personal recommendations from an industry insider in the know!

Over the years in Barcelona as a food and travel writer and food/lifestyle photographer I’ve compiled various lists of my favorite places to eat and drink in the city. My writing has been published online and in print by local and international publications, including physical guide books for Monocle and National Geographic.

Let’s cut through the noise — Here’s my current list of “musts” that I sent to my FRIENDS and FAMILY whenever they visit!

This list includes:

  • Restaurant Name
  • Brief Description
  • Highlights or recommendation for dishes to order
  • The restaurant address with an active maps link
  • The website and phone number
  • Social Media (if available)
  • Price ranking